

    凤凰之林圣女国:(Sacred Kingdom of Phoenix)

☆圣都 圣卡尔比斯 (The Scared Capital of St. Callbis)

风动之城 古令兰 (Greenland, the City of Wind)

水城 金辉港 (Port city on Water, Shinington)

封魔圣战士同盟国:(Holyseal the League of Lords)

☆首都 利加 (The Capital of Lyga City)

草原之乡 巴拉克斯城 (Green Town of Barlacus)

星落之地 戈尔玛城 (Gorma, the City of Fallingstar)

天空之城 菲路城 (Faylu, Castle of the Sky)

圣殿之都 沙得洛克城 (St. Sandrock City, Holy Palace of God)

尼塔加/亚历斯新帝国:(The Neo-Empire of Nitacca & Alex)

☆帝都 芬特帝兰斯 (The Emperor’s City, Finterdy Lance)

魔法之乡 纹章城 (Emblemton, the Capital of Magic)

神圣华斯王国:(Holy Waz Kingdom)

☆海之都 毕路 (Capital of Sea, Bilue)

交易都市 银光城 (The Commercial Centre, Silveria)

哈力德混沌大陆联盟王国:(The United Kingdom of Harryder)

☆王都 由里 (Yuli, the Capital of the Sacred King)

三大要塞之一 海上城 (The Fortress City of Haisan)

三大要塞之一 火红城 (The Fortress City of Frohood)

三大要塞之一 里卡城(The Fortress City of Lica)

世界最大城市 破雷港 (The Port City Exthunderon, Largest City of the World)

商业之都 金黄城 (Goldon,the Capital of Trading)

豪雨之港 圣安东尼 (St. Anthony, the Port of Cloudburst)

香山雪华群岛连合国:(The Kingdom of Snow Island)

☆白雪之都 香格里拉 (The Snow-white Capital of Shangri-La)58xs8.com