第七百三十四章 一个留学生的毕业演讲








    Gd afternn faulty students parents and friends.

    I a truly hnred and grateful t speak at the eneent fr the University f Maryland, Class f 2017.

    Peple ften ask e: e t the University f Maryland?

    I always answer: Fresh air.

    Five years ag, as I step ff the plane fr China, and left the ternal at Dallas Airprt. I was ready t put n ne f y five fae asks, but when I tk y first breath f Aerian air. I put y ask away.

    The air was s sweet and fresh, and ddly luxurius.

    I was surprised by this. I grew up in a ity in China, where I had t wear a fae ask every tie I went utside, therwise, I ght get sik.

    Hwever, the ent I inhaled and exhaled utside the airprt.

    I felt free.

    N re fg n y glasses, n re diffiult breathing, n re suppressin.

    Every breath was a delight. As I stand here tday, I annt help, but reall that feeling f freed.

    At the University f Maryland, I wuld sn feel anther kind f fresh air fr whih I will be frever grateful — the fresh air f free speeh.

    Befre I ae t United States, I learned in histry lass abut the Delaratin f Independene, but these eaning t e— Life, Liberty and the Pursuit f happiness.

    I was erely erizing the wrds t get gd grades.

    These wrds sunded s strange, s abstrat and s freign t e, until I ae t University f Maryland.

    I have leaned the right t freely express neself is sared in Aerian.

    Eah day in Maryland, I y pinins n ntrversial issues.

    I uld hallenge a stateent ade by y instrutr. I uld even rate y prfessrs nline.

    But nthing prepared e fr the ulture shk I experiened when I wathed a university prdutin f the play— Twilight: Ls Angeles.

    Twilight is a play by Anna Deavere Sth abut the 1992 Ls Angeles Rits

    The rits fllwed aquittal f fur Ls Angeles plie ffiers in the videtaped arrest and beating f Rdney King.

    Fr six days, the ity was in has as itizens tk t the streets.

    In Twilight, the student atrs were penly talking abut rais, sexis and plitis.

    I was shked, I never saw suh tpi uld be disussed penly.

    The play was y first taste f plitial strytelling, ne that akes the audiene think ritially.

    I have always had a burning desire t tell these kinds f stries, but I was nvined that nly authrities wn the narrative, nly authrities uld define the truth.

    Hwever, the pprtunity t ierse yself in the diverse unity at the University f Maryland expsed e t varius, any different perspetives n truth.

    I sn realized that here I have the pprtunity t speak freely.

    My vie atters.

    Yur vie atters.

    Our vies atter.

    Civil engageent is nt a task just fr plitiians. I have witnessed this when I saarhing in Washingtn DC, vting in the presidential eletin and raising ney fr supprt varius auses.

    I have seen that everyne has a right t partiipate and advate fr hange.

    I used t believe that ne individual partiipatin uld nt ake a differene, but here we are, United Terps.

    Tgether, we an push ur siety t be re just pen and peaeful.

    Class f 2017,  a university that ebraes a liberal arts eduatin that nurtures us t think ritially, and als t are and feel fr huanity.

    We are equipped with the knwledge f varius disiplines and we are ready t fae t the hallenges f ur siety.

    Se f us ay g t graduate shl, se us ay step int prfessins and se f us ay begin a jurney f explratin.

    But n atter eber, deray and free speeh shuld nt be taken fr granted.

    Deray and freed are the fresh air that is wrth fighting fr.

    Freed is xygen. Freed is passin. Freed is lve.

    And as a Frenh philspher Jean Paul Sartre ne said: freed is a hie, ur future is dependent n the hies rrw.

    We are all playwrights f the next hapters f ur lives. Tgether, we write the huan histry.

    My friends, enjy the fresh air and never let it g.

    Thank yu.????











































