第91章 M国演唱会3


    苏琏再次上台,蓝色西装,不是贵公子,而是一位深情先生。深情演绎一首耳熟能详的take  to your heart送给所有的观众。

    “give  your hand before ld ,shoe e far ae to your heart,take  to your soul,give  your hand and hold  ”


    “ life is brilliant , love is pure i sa sure she iled at  on the suban but i y eye ,as i   faberg  disver and see all over the d shall be key ,forgotten as the past ,cause history  god is a girl , can you reive it god is a girl ,ever you say do you belve it can you reive it god is a girl ,ho can you reive it god is a girl ,shes only a girl do you belve it can you reive it ”



    “god is a girl , can you reive it god is a girl ,ever you say do you belve it can you reive it god is a girl ,ho can you reive it ”
