

    卧槽我tmd真的是醉了。。。真的有孩纸那我的小说做游戏。。。我想说:孩纸!趁你才做了丢丢快点放弃吧t t别让我的小说丢你的脸了好么!t t真的啊啊啊啊啊、、、、有知道的亲请帮我转告,原凉我这个渣作者t t



























    “唱歌啊,2 soon。”惜儿笑道



    “没想到t t”











    “if i di young, bury, bury m  st

    ly m don on , bd of ross

    sk m  th rivr, t dn

    snd m y ith th ords of  lov song

    if i di young, bury, bury m  st

    ly m don on , bd of ross

    sk m  th rivr, t dn

    snd m y ith th ords of  lov song

    (rp) this is dditd to th ons

    tht lost thir livs  littl too rly

    to th fmilis out thr still  p

    i k tht y'll r still hurt'

    losg lovd ons, nd rids

    nd sons  longr ith us

    to th soldirs ovrss

    nvr omg hom to thir fmilis

    brth but it rlly don't gt  bttr

    thy kd nt out too soon

    so muh too liv for still

    just built  bby's room

    lst yr h s th groom

    nd  his soul is st fr

    but still liv  your md

    hn you ly don to slp

    thy nvr rlly gon, tk t lik sh sid

    thy liv'  our hrts

    i k it, i n fl h thr

    thy look' don upon us

    guidg us through ll th struggls

    hlpg us to fd ll th pis of th puzzl, yh

    th ps doubl hn it's somon so young

    but thy go liv through us

    so thy n s ho it's don, yh

    ll th trs, nd th fun

    nd vrythg  btn

    ris th glss  th ir

    for th ons  longr sn(rp完)

    if i di young, bury, bury m  st

    ly m don on , bd of ross

    sk m  th rivr, t dn

    snd m y ith th ords of  lov song

    lif 't lys ht you thk it ought to b,

    't vn gry, but sh buris hr bby

    th shrp knif of  short lif, ll

    yh,  i n't undrstnd

    hy th lord is tkg ths kids

    so mny kidnppgs nd murdrs

    right hr right round hr i liv

    lt lon th rst of th orld

    my hrt gos out to tht girl

    so r。i。p。 littl yl

    ho ould this hppn to  bby?

    i gt so sik of this pl

    but i try to fous on th good

    but it's hrd hn you los somon

    y soonr thn you probbly should

    if i ould, i'd tk ll th p y

    mor funrls

    or vistg mtris on holidys

    i just  drift y

    from ll th p tht  fl'

    mn, it's bn tn yrs

    s hris did, i'm still hl'

    on of th first duds

    to push m  this rpp'

    i'll nvr forgt,  shd so mny trs

    so trgi, you nd your brothr pss'

    ho ould this hppn?

    you still hr though

    vryt i'm ly' don  trk

    mn, i gott kp it rk'

    i k this s your drm

    i do it for th ons tht r  longr sn

    th shrp knif of  short lif, ll

    i'v hd, just ugh t

    if i di young, bury, bury m  st

    ly m don on , bd of ross

    sk m  th rivr, t dn

    snd m y ith th ords of  lov song

    if i di young, bury, bury m  st

    ly m don on , bd of ross

    sk m  th rivr, t dn

    snd m y ith th ords of  lov song。。。”





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