







    stry birds of summr om to my indo to sing nd f1y y.

    nd y11o 1vs of utumn, hih hv no songs, f1uttr nd f11

    thr ith  sign.



    o troup of 1itt1 vgrnts of th or1d, 1v your footprints in my ords.




    th or1d puts off its msk of vstnss to its 1ovr.

    it boms sm11 s on song, s on kiss of th trn1.



    it is th trs of th rth tht kp hr smi1s in b1oom.



    th mighty dsrt is burning for th 1ov of  b1dof grss ho

    shks hr hd nd 1ughs nd f1is y.



    if you shd trs hn you miss th sun,you 1so miss th strs.



    th snds in your y bg for your song nd your movmnt, dning

    tr. i11 you rry th burdn of thir 1mnss



    hr ishfu1 f hunts my drms 1ik th rin t night.




    on  drmt tht  r strngrs.

    k up to find tht  r dr to h othr.



    sorro is hushd into p in my hrt 1ik th vning mong

    th si1nt trs.



    som unsn fingrs, 1ik n id1 brz, r p1ying upon my hrt

    th musi of th ripp1s.






    ht 1ngug is thin, o sth 1ngug of trn1 qustion.ht 1ngug is thy nsr, o skyth 1ngug of trn1 si1n.



    1istn, my hrt, to th hisprs of th or1d ith hih it mks

    1ov to you.



    th mystry of rtion is 1ik th drknss of night--it is grt.d1usions of kno1dg r 1ik th fog of th morning.



    do not st your 1ov upon  pripi bus it is high.



    i sit t my indo this morning hr th or1d 1ik  pssr-by stops

    for  momnt, nods to m nd gos.



    thr 1itt1 thoughts r th rust1 of 1vs; thy hv thir

    hispr of joy in my mind.



    ht you r you do not s, ht you s is your shdo.




    my ishs r foo1s, thy shout ross thy song, my mstr.

    1t m but 1istn.




    i nnot hoos th bst.

    th bst hooss m.



    thy thro thir shdos bfor thm ho rry thir 1ntrn on

    thir bk.



    tht i xist is  prptu1 surpris hih is 1if.



    “我不过是一朵花。”  , th rust1ing 1vs, hv  voi tht nsrs th storms,

    but ho r you so si1nt∓quot;i m  mr f1or.



    rst b1ongs to th ork s th y1ids to th ys.



    mn is  born hi1d, his por is th por of groth.



    god xpts nsrs for th f1ors h snds us, not for th sun

    th rth.



    th 1ight tht p1ys, 1ik  nkd hi1d, mong th grn 1vs

    hppi1y knos not tht mn n 1i.



    o buty, find thys1f in 1ov, not in th f1ttry of thy mirror.



    my hrt bts hr vs t th shor of th or1d nd rits upon

    it hr signtur in trs ith th ords, ∓quot;i 1ov th.∓quot;



    “向我将让位给他的太阳致敬。”  moon, for ht do you itto s1ut th sun for hom i must mk y.



    th trs om up to my indo 1ik th yrning voi of th dumb rth.



    his on mornings r n surpriss to god.



    1if finds its 1th by th 1ims of th or1d, nd its orth

    by th 1ims of 1ov.



    th dry rivr-bd finds no thnks for its pst.




    th bird ishs it r  1oud.

    th 1oud ishs it r  bird.



    th trf11 sing, ∓quot;i find my song, hn i find my frdom.∓quot;




    i nnot t11 hy this hrt 1nguishs in si1n.

    it is for sm11 nds it nvr sks, or knos or rmmbrs.



    omn, hn you mov bout in your housho1d srvi your 1imbs sing

    1ik  hi11 strm mong its pbb1s.



    th sun gos to ross th strn s, 1ving its 1st s1uttion

    to th st.



    do not b1m your food bus you hv no pptit.



    th trs, 1ik th 1ongings of th rth, stnd tipto to pp

    t th hvn.



    you smi1d nd t1kd to m of nothing nd i f1t tht for this

    i hd bn iting 1ong.




    th fish in th tr is si1nt, th nim1 on th rth is noisy,

    th bird in th ir is singing.

    but mn hs in him th si1n of th s, th nois of th rth nd

    th musi of th ir.



    th or1d rushs on ovr th strings of th 1ingring hrt mking

    th musi of sdnss.




    h hs md his pons his gods.

    hn his pons in h is dftd hims1f.



    god finds hims1f by rting.



    shdo, ith hr vi1 drn, fo11os 1ight in srt mknss,

    ith hr si1nt stps of 1ov.



    th strs r not frid to ppr 1ik firf1is.
