


    Prt V:  Fllout


    Ths r smpls of som of th

    rturs you might find proling

    round th sts. GMs r

    nourgd to mk up thir on unusul

    rturs; ftr ll, rdition llos

    rtivity - nd DN - to run ild. ll

    th vitl sttistis for ombt r

    listd ftr th rittr dsriptions.


    HP = Hit Points

    SQ = Squn

    = rmor lss

    DR = Dmg Rsistn

    DT = Dmg Thrshold

    P = tion Points

    XP = xprin Vlu

    = ritil hn

    PR = Poison Rsist

    RR = Rdition Rsist

    GR = Gs Rsist

    ttks: Typ


    Byfr th most ommon rturs in th

    sts , rts

    nd thir rltivs hv don vry ll

    for thmslvs sin th bombs droppd.

    Thr r plnty of th nsty, blk

    vrity round, but rdition hngd

    som of ths diss-riddn vrmin into

    frsom rturs.

    Gint Rt

    This is bsilly  lrgr vrsion of

    rt. Gint rts rng in siz from

    bout  foot - th siz of  t - to

    lmost  yrd  in lngth. Thy

    r ovrd ith bron or blk fur, nd

    hv blk, glssy, bdy ys. Rts

    r rdily idntifibl by thir til,

    s it looks lik  orm stiking out of

    thir rr nd. Thy r not opnly

    hostil tords humns unlss thy r

    hungry, but pks hv bn knon to

    ttk hn thy smll blood. Gint

    rts n b found prtty muh nyhr.

    Gint Rt

    HP: 10

    SQ: 6

    P: 6

    XP: 25

    : 3%

    : 5 DT DR

    Norml: 0 0

    Lsr: 0 0

    Fir: 0 0

    Plsm: 0 0

    xplosion: 0 0

    PR: 50%

    RR: 20%

    GR: 0/0

    ttks: l ;

    Bit .

    Rd Rt

    Rts n surviv lrg doss of

    rdiotivity, nd in rtin rs,

    hv vn dptd suh tht thy rquir

    th rdition to liv. Ths rts r

    bout 30 ntimtrs long, r bron or

    blk in olor, nd ill glo slightly

    in th drk. Th min thing to fr in

    nountring Rd Rts is tht thy r

    slightly rdiotiv, nd thir littl

    ls n trnsfr som of tht to YOU.

    Rd Rts r usully found round

    sours of rdiotivity.

    HP: 10

    SQ: 6

    P: 6

    XP: 35

    : 3%

    : 5 DT DR

    Norml: 0 0

    Lsr: 0 0

    Fir: 0 0

    Plsm: 0 0

    xplosion: 0 0

    PR: 60%

    RR: 100%

    GR: 0/50

    ttks: l ;



    Molrts r  mix btn mols nd

    rts. No on is sur hthr ths

    rturs r th rsult of  rtiv

    union btn similr spis, or n

    vn strngr union ith  littl

    rdition to hlp things long th y.

    Molrts rng in siz nyhr from 30

    ntimtrs to  mtr nd  hlf; th

    lrgst stnd lmost  mtr t th

    shouldr. Thy hv mol-lik fs nd

    r nrly blind in norml light; for

    this rson, thy r lmost xlusivly

    found in vs. Lssr molrts r th

    smllr vrsion, Grtr molrts r

    th hug, ugly ons.

    Lssr Molrt

    HP: 15

    SQ: 7

    P: 7

    XP: 100

    : 3%

    : 9 DT DR

    Norml: 1 5%

    Lsr: 0 0

    Fir: 0 0

    Plsm: 0 0

    xplosion: 1 5%

    PR: 50%

    RR: 25%

    GR: 0/0

    ttks: l ;


    Grtr Molrt

    HP: 30

    SQ: 9

    P: 9

    XP: 400

    : 5%

    : 12 DT DR

    Norml: 4 20%

    Lsr: 1 5%

    Fir: 0 0

    Plsm: 0 0

    xplosion: 4 20%

    PR: 60%

    RR: 25%

    GR: 0/25

    ttks: l ;



    Pigrts r prt-pig, prt rt hybrids.

    Lik thir ousins th molrts, it

    probbly took som rtiv gnti

    mnipultion to mk ths rittrs.

    Pigrts r lrg, rnging nyhr from

    70 m to lmost 2 mtrs in lngth, nd

    inorport th bst  of th to

    spis. Thir lgs r ovrly lrg,

    lthough short, nd thy r

    xptionlly mty round th

    midstion. In ft, pigrts ould mk

    xptionl livstok, if thy rn‘t

    so dngrous. Thy r mzingly

    rsilint, nd n b found lmost

    nyhr. Thy trvl in pks of tn

    or mor nd gnrlly ttk only to

    prott thir young or dfnd thir

    trritory. If thy r hungry, hovr,

    thy bom vry ggrssiv.

    Lssr Pigrt

    HP: 20

    SQ: 7

    P: 7

    XP: 200

    : 4%

    : 10 DT DR

    Norml: 1 5%

    Lsr: 0 0

    Fir: 0 0

    Plsm: 0 0

    xplosion: 1 5%

    PR: 50%

    RR: 30%

    GR: 0/10

    ttks: l ;


    Grtr Pigrt

    HP: 30

    SQ: 9

    P: 9

    XP: 450

    : 6%

    : 14 DT DR

    Norml: 4 25%

    Lsr: 0 0

    Fir: 2 10%

    Plsm: 0 0

    xplosion: 4 25%

    PR: 70%

    RR: 45%

    GR: 0/20

    ttks: l ;



    Gint okrohs

    On of th most numrous nd dptiv of

    ll spis tht volution spit upon

    this plnt, okrohs xistd on

    vry ontinnt bfor th r. ftr

    th bombs fl, thy still mngd to

    hold on to thir nih, spilly in

    ruins of itis ith lots of drk, dirty

    rs for thm to rl through.

    okrohs rng nyhr from n inh

    in lngth to 60 m, but only th “gint”

    vrity is dngrous. Thy n b

    nountrd lon, but th most ommon –

    nd ddly – spis trvls in lustrs

    of 10-20 individuls. Thy do not mk

    hbit of ttking humns, but ill

    dfnd thir grbg hps, nd lrg

    srms of ths rturs n sily

    ovrhlm  prson or  smll group.

    Usully, okrohs ill ll off th

    ttk if thir trgt fls.

    Gint okrohs

    HP: 15

    SQ: 6

    P: 6

    XP: 50

    : 4%

    : 5 DT DR

    Norml: 3 30

    Lsr: 0 0

    Fir: 0 0

    Plsm: 0 0

    xplosion: 0 0

    PR: 100%

    RR: 95%

    GR: 80/100

    ttks: Mndibl

    Gint nts

    Gint nts, or Gints, r simply

    ovrgron insts. Somhr long th

    y, ft s fit to dump som

    rdiotiv mtril nr nd nthill

    nd rt this lrg, mutnt rtur.

    Gints r blk nts bout 70

    ntimtrs in lngth. Hug olonis of

    ths rturs xist undr th rth,

    nd souts r oftn found in vs.

    Gints usully trvl in prtis of 5 to

    10 insts. Thy ill ttk humns on

    sight, nd njoy ting orpss of th


    HP: 15

    SQ: 6

    P: 6

    XP: 50

    : 3%

    : 2 DR DT

    Norml: 0 0

    Lsr: 0 0

    Fir: 0 0

    Plsm: 0 0

    xplosion: 0 0

    PR: 100%

    RR: 60%

    GR: 60/90

    ttks: Mndibls


    Ths gint, mutnt insts om from

    th prying mntis,  rtur nrly

    xtint bfor th r. Thy hv sin

    bom  populr sight in th post-r

    mris, nd r knon to dvour rops

    nd ttl. On rr osions,  pk

    of mntis ill ttk humns. Mntis

    trvl in srms of 15 or 20, nd ill

    gnrlly not ttk unlss provokd.


    HP: 10

    SQ: 7

    P: 7

    XP: 50

    : 2%

    : 5 DR DT

    Norml: 0 0

    Lsr: 0 0

    Fir: 0 0

    Plsm: 0 0

    xplosion: 0 0

    PR: 75%

    RR: 80%

    GR: 60/90

    ttks: Mndibl ;



    ftr th r, most kinds of lif from

    pr-r mri r hngd into lmost

    unrognizbl forms. os mngd to

    sp tht ft, for th most prt,

    xpt tht only  vry hrdy brd

    survivd . Brhmin r th min

    sour of bf nd lthr in th

    sts, nd thy n b found lmost

    vryhr, lthough thy r usully in

    nlosurs. Som rs hv vst

    Brhmin rnhs, rivling th hug Txs

    rnhs of pr-r tims. Brhmin r

    lso usd s pk nimls, huling

    gons for rvns. Thy r hrdy

    nimls nd n surviv on vry littl

    food. Thy r tolrnt of xtrm

    nvironmntl onditions, thring th

    sthing ht of  summr‘s dy s ll

    s th bittr old of th dsrt intr

    nights. Brhmin r sily

    distinguishbl by thir to hds,

    lthough rumors of hrds of on-hdd

    Brhmin fr in th st osionlly

    mk thir rounds. Most popl don‘t

    subsrib to tht hogsh, hovr.

    Brhmin r lmost lys doil unlss

    ttkd dirtly; thn, th hrd ill

    ttmpt to dfnd thmslvs.


    HP: 40

    SQ: 6

    P: 6

    XP: 50

    : 2%

    : 5 DR DT

    Norml: 2 10%

    Lsr: 0 0

    Fir: 0 0

    Plsm: 0 0

    xplosion: 2 10%

    PR: 20%

    RR: 30%

    GR: 0/10

    ttks: Horn


    hthr ths rturs m from

    nothr plnt, or r som horribl

    tisting of gnti mtril found on

    rth, is  qustion lft to th

    sintists. Sin sintists r no

    f nd fr btn, on guss is s

    good s nothr s to hr ths

    unusul rittrs origintd. ll hv

    on thing in ommon. Somho, norml

    pons lik guns nd bullts don‘t sm

    to hurt thm muh t ll, nor dos

    bting on thm ith fists or ml

    pons. Only fir, lsr, nd plsm

    pons r truly fftiv ginst

    ths rturs. Rnt vidn sms

    to suggst tht ths rturs r, in

    ft, rly produts of FV virus

    rsrh, but this rumor nnot b



    Flotrs look  littl lik  jllyfish,

    xpt thy r solid nd don‘t hv

    tntls. Thir flsh is  bronish

    olor, nd is moist nd firm to th

    touh. Thy hv  stlk oming out of

    ht is prsumbly th front of thir

    body, lthough thr is no disrnbl

    y or sns orifi on thir bodis.

    t th nd of th stlk is  flt,

    dinnr plt shpd r inlid ith

    nsty spiks nd spins. dvnturrs

    ho hv tngld ith flotrs rport

    tht th stlk ill turn nd follo thm

    round, vn in rs of lmost totl

    drknss. Flotrs r usully round

    mtr nd  hlf in lngth, nd r

    nrror thn thy r round . Thy flot

    nyhr from  hlf  mtr to to

    mtrs off of th ground. Flotrs sm

    to lik dnk, moist, drk pls nd r

    oftn found in vs. Flotrs sm to

    ttk indisrimintly, lthough it is

    unlr hthr thy ttk for food,

    dfns, or somthing mor sinistr.

    Flotrs ttk by hitting things ith

    thir stlk, lloing th hundrds of

    spins to tr through flsh nd rmor.

    Thy trvl, ith rlrs, in pods of

    round tn individuls.

    HP: 60

    SQ: 9

    P: 9

    XP: 500

    : 8%

    : 20 DR DT

    Norml: 10 95%

    Lsr: 1 10%

    Fir: 5 40%

    Plsm: 1 10%

    xplosion: 10 90%

    PR: 80%

    RR: 80%

    GR: 100/90

    ttks: Stlk


    rlrs r muh lik flotrs,

    prfrring th sm hbitts nd shoing

    mny of th sm bhviorl

    hrtristis. Instd of floting,

    hovr, thir body lis on th ground.

    It gushs  slimlik tril, not unlik

    snil. Th stlk of  rlr is

    longr, strongr, nd thikr thn

    flotr‘s stlk, nd it uss th flt

    plt-lik nd not only to ttk othr

    rturs, but to propl itslf long

    th ground. rlrs r mor rr thn

    flotrs, nd r oftn only found on

    or to t  tim in  pk of flotrs.

    Som hv suggstd tht rlrs my b

    th fml form of th flotr spis,

    but thr is nothing to onfirm or dny



    HP: 60

    SQ: 9

    P: 9

    XP: 600

    : 7%

    : 20 DR DT

    Norml: 10 95%

    Lsr: 1 10%

    Fir: 5 40%

    Plsm: 1 10%

    xplosion: 10 90%

    PR: 90%

    RR: 80%

    GR: 100/100

    ttks: Stlk


    Flilrs r th first form of ‘lin‘

    lif nountrd, nd r probbly th

    most ommon. Flilrs r bipds - tht

    is, thy hv to lgs - nd stnd bout

    to mtrs tll. Thir skin is lso

    moist, firm, nd ithr bron or gry.

    Thir lgs r lrg nd strong, but

    tpr into flt, tntl-lik ft upon

    hih th flilr lks. Its ‘rms‘ r

    similr flt tntls, h ovrd

    ith tiny spins nd spiks tht th

    flilr hips t opponnts. It hs

    hd-knob oming out of its body, but no

    ys. St nr th bottom of th hdknob

    is  mouth filld ith ros of

    rzor-shrp tth. Flilrs trvl in

    groups of ight or mor nd sho high

    intllign, ttking ith dvnd

    ttis. It is unlr ho intllignt

    ths rturs r, or to ht xtnt

    thy r ntiv to this plnt.

    HP: 60

    SQ: 9

    P: 9

    XP: 750

    : 8%

    : 25 DR DT

    Norml: 10 95%

    Lsr: 1 10%

    Fir: 5 40%

    Plsm: 1 10%

    xplosion: 10 90%

    PR: 95%

    RR: 100%

    GR: 100/100

    ttks: Flil



    nturs r n ntirly diffrnt

    niml. Thr r rumors tht somon

    ith ss to n old govrnmnt

    brding lb md ths tistd

    rturs by mixing humn nd ‘lin‘

    DN togthr. nturs r light orng

    ith bron pths, nd rsmbl  humn

    torso lying f- don. Thy propl

    thmslvs on thir six lgs, h of

    hih rsmbls  humn rm ith stuntd

    fingrs. hr th shouldrs ould

    normlly b, th torso xtnds uprds

    lmost th full lngth of nothr torso,

    nding in  hd tht s obviously on

    humn. nturs r usully bld, nd

    on look t thir f indits tht

    th only thing thy shr ith humns is

    th sm bsi pprn. Thir ys

    r dull nd glzd, nd mouths oftn

    hng opn drooling. Thy ttk ithr

    by biting or bting th trgt ith

    thir front to lgs. nturs r vry

    rr, nd n usully b found in pks

    of fiv or six dp insid vs or

    othr undrground pls. Thy don‘t

    lys ttk, nd ill somtims

    obsrv dvnturrs. If thy priv

    somthing s  thrt, hovr, thy

    ill singlminddly ttk it until it


    HP: 60

    SQ: 9

    P: 9

    XP: 750

    : 8%

    : 25 DR DT

    Norml: 10 95%

    Lsr: 1 10%

    Fir: 5 40%

    Plsm: 1 10%

    xplosion: 10 90%

    PR: 50%

    RR: 80%

    GR: 40/70

    ttks: Sing


    nothr ommon dnizn of th strn

    dsrt s th sorpion. This spis

    got  sond ls on lif hn

    rdition from th r llod it to

    gro to grgntun proportions.

    Rdsorpions rng in siz from 50 m to

    2 mtrs in lngth, nd rng in olor

    from pl hit to bron nd blk.

    Thir ikd tils ontin ss of

    vnom, nd r tippd ith  stingr

    lmost 15 m long. Rdsorpion tils

    r onsidrd vlubl, sin th

    porful ntidot is md from

    distilld vrsion of th vnom insid

    th ss. Rdsorpions n b

    nountrd in groups of up to 8, or

    lon. Thy prfr shdy rs, nd n

    oftn b found in nyons or vs.

    Rdsorpions r rrly nountrd in

    th opn dsrt, or in rs of high


    Lssr Rdsorpion

    HP: 25

    SQ: 8

    P: 8

    XP: 200

    : 4%

    : 7 DR DT

    Norml: 1 5%

    Lsr: 0 0

    Fir: 4 20%

    Plsm: 0 0

    xplosion: 1 5%

    PR: 100%

    RR: 25%

    GR: 30/100

    ttks: Til

    Grtr Rdsorpion

    HP: 35

    SQ: 8

    P: 8

    XP: 400

    : 5%

    : 10 DR DT

    Norml: 1 5%

    Lsr: 0 0

    Fir: 4 20%

    Plsm: 0 0

    xplosion: 1 5%

    PR: 100%

    RR: 50%

    GR: 50/100

    ttks: Til


    Suprisingly, olvs mngd to surviv

    th r, nd vn thriv in th postnulr

    nvironmnt. In ddition to th

    norml ‘nis lupis‘ vrity of Gry

    olf, hug dir olvs hv rturnd to

    North mri. Domstitd dogs, hih

    r mor rsistnt to rdition thn

    your vrg humn, ‘turnd frl‘ ftr

    th bombs hit, nd pks of thm no

    rom th sts. In ddition, thr r

    f domstitd poohs still out

    thr, nd oyots still mk troubl

    for domstitd nimls lik hikns.


    Gry olvs n b ithr hit, gry,

    blk, or ny mix btn ths. Thy

    snd bout 120 to 160 m tll t th

    shouldr, nd hv  distintiv ll.

    Thy r highly soil nimls, nd th

    pk is bsd round  ld ml, lld

    th ‘lph.‘ Th ntir pk, xpt

    for prgnnt nd nursing fmls, hunts,

    oftn using highly rfind ttis to

    tk don pry. olf pks r

    trritoril, nd normlly do not stry

    into h othr‘s trritory. hn thy

    fl tht thir turf is thrtnd by

    nything - olvs, othr nimls, or

    humns - thy ill ttk. ontrry to

    populr blif, olvs void humns nd

    thir livstok, nd ill only ttk

    hn thr is no othr sour of food.

    Thr n b nyhr from fiv to

    tnty-fiv olvs in  pk.

    HP: 20

    SQ: 6

    P: 6

    XP: 100

    : 5%

    : 5 DR DT

    Norml: 0 0

    Lsr: 0 0

    Fir: 0 0

    Plsm: 0 0

    xplosion: 0 0

    PR: 25%

    RR: 15%

    GR: 0/0

    ttks: Bit


    Dir olvs

    Dir olvs r  hug mmbr of th

    olf fmily, thought to b xtint sin

    th lst i g. It is unlr hthr

    rdition rtd  similr rtur, or

    holdovrs from th fr north md thir

    y south during th nulr intrs,

    but dir olf pks r som of th most

    frd rturs in th sts.

    lthough thy r xtrmly rr, thy

    hv bn knon to tk don ntir

    rvns, rmd gurds nd ll. Dir

    olvs hunt minly for mt, nd

    lthough thy void lrg humn

    sttlmnts, thy n nd ill ttk

    smllr, undfndd tons, rrying off

    hildrn or smll dults. Dir olvs

    stnd lmost 2 mtrs t th shouldr,

    nd xpt for thir siz, look muh

    lik thir smllr ousins, th Gry

    olf. Thy run in pks of 5 to 25


    HP: 60

    SQ: 9

    P: 9

    XP: 700

    : 7%

    : 9 DR DT

    Norml: 5 40%

    Lsr: 0 0

    Fir: 0 0

    Plsm: 0 0

    xplosion: 0 0

    PR: 40%

    RR: 20%

    GR: 0/0

    ttks: Bit

    l .


    Smllr thn olvs, ith  highr hol,

    oyots r lonrs rthr thn soil

    nimls, svngrs rthr thn huntrs.

    oyots rn‘t nrly s ommon s thy

    usd to b, prtilly bus thy rn

    out of food hn livstok hrds

    drstilly diminishd, prtilly

    bus olf pks found tht oyots

    md good mls. oyots brly stnd 1

    mtr t th shouldr, nd r oftn

    yllo, tn, or bron in olor. Thy

    r mostly found in dsrts nd

    mountins, or ny r hr thy hv

    som kind of ovr, suh s trs.

    Unlss mting, oyots r lmost lys

    lon, nd on‘t ttk humns unlss

    ornrd nd provokd. Thy ill,

    hovr, ttmpt to tk don livstok,

    if thy think it is n sy th.


    HP: 20

    SQ: 6

    P: 6

    XP: 100

    : 5%

    : 3 DR DT

    Norml: 0 0

    Lsr: 0 0

    Fir: 0 0

    Plsm: 0 0

    xplosion: 0 0

    PR: 20%

    RR: 10%

    GR: 0/0

    ttks: Bit

    Frl Dogs

    Mn‘s bst frind s blssd ith

    rsistn to rdition tht his mstr

    did not hv. hn billions r

    dropping dd from fllout, millions of

    nins r ondring hr thir nxt

    n of dog food s going to om from.

    Invitbly, som spd thir houss

    nd bkyrds, forming groups not unlik

    olf pks. Tody, ths bnds of dogs

    hv bom frl, intrbrding ith

    h othr nd living ithout th humns

    tht supplid thm ith ho nd lovd

    thm for ons.  frl dog pk

    oprts muh lik  olf pk, ith

    singl ‘lph‘ ml ldr nd nyhr

    from 5 to 25 mmbrs. Frl dogs tnd

    to b smllr thn olvs, nd om in

    lmost ny olor nd shp tht norml

    mutts do. Thy liv nyhr, nd

    lthough thy void humns for th most

    prt, frl dogs n usully b found

    losr to itis nd tons thn olvs

    nd oyots. Frl dogs ill not ttk

    humns unlss strving or provokd.

    HP: 20

    SQ: 6

    P: 6

    XP: 100

    : 4%

    : 3 DR DT

    Norml: 0 0

    Lsr: 0 0

    Fir: 0 0

    Plsm: 0 0

    xplosion: 0 0

    PR: 20%

    RR: 10%

    GR: 0/0

    ttks: Bit


    ho ouldn‘t nt  lrg, slobbring,

    smlly bst s  ompnion? Thy r

    intnsly loyl nd lov you

    unonditionlly, nd n do mny usful

    things lik fthing itms from

    rdiotiv rs nd lding blind

    popl round. Dogs n b found

    nyhr thr r humns. Thy om in

    ll sizs nd olors, nd ill not

    ttk nyon unlss thy priv tht

    prson s  thrt to thir hous,

    trritory, or mstr.

    HP: 20

    SQ: 6

    P: 6

    XP: 100

    : 3%

    : 5 DR DT

    Norml: 0 0

    Lsr: 0 0

    Fir: 0 0

    Plsm: 0 0

    xplosion: 0 0

    PR: 18%

    RR: 8%

    GR: 0/0

    ttks: Bit


    Originlly thought to b mindlss

    monstrs, dthls r tully n

    intllignt, upright lking, muttd

    lizrd. Thy stnd lmost 275 m tll,

    nd hv lrg rms tht nd in ikdly

    shrp ls tht giv th rturs

    thir nm. Thir skin is rptilin nd

    rngs in olor from light bron to

    lmost blk. Dthls hv thir on

    lngug nd som hv vn lrnd to

    imitt humn sph in ordr to

    ommunit ith popl, lthough this

    is mor lik  prrot‘s rprodution

    rthr thn tully ‘spking.‘

    Dthls hv bn knon to don lrg

    loks nd lk mong humns, pssing

    for mutnts or hlf-mutnts, in ordr to

    lrn bout our soity. Thr dosn‘t

    sm to b ny lrg strutur to th

    dthl orld, nd thy prfr to liv

    in smll tribs of 20 to 200.

    Dthls lmost lys trvl in

    groups of 10 or mor, unlss thy r

    souts, nd thn thy lys trvl in

    pirs. Dthls ill not immditly

    ttk humns, but mny of thm hv

    gron to mistrust popl, nd rightly

    so, sin it sn‘t vn lr tht

    dthls r intllignt until

    rntly, nd mny humns still vi

    thm s monstrs, if thy r r of

    th dthl‘s tru ntur t ll.


    HP: 70

    SQ: 10

    P: 10

    XP: 800

    : 9%

    : 25 DR DT

    Norml: 4 40%

    Lsr: 0 0

    Fir: 4 40%

    Plsm: 0 0

    xplosion: 4 40%

    PR: 80%

    RR: 60%

    GR: 0/40

    ttks: l

    Spitting Plnt

    Not xtly Symour, but this spis of

    plnt is rtinly  nsty ustomr. It

    gros lmost nyhr, but is usully

    found mong othr plnts so it n blnd

    in nd mbush its pry. It stnds bout

    2 mtrs tll nd hs  ‘flor‘ lik

    Vnus flytrp,  plnt hih it probbly

    muttd from. hn it snss movmnt

    nd ht, it ill ‘shoot‘  shrp thorn

    from its ‘flor.‘ hn it snss tht

    th rtur it shot t is no longr

    moving, it ill thn prod to ‘t‘

    th unluky rtur ith its flor.

    lthough this sounds humorous, mting

    fiv or six of ths plnts is no

    lughing mttr. Thy usully gro

    togthr, s svrl r lys mor

    dngrous thn on, nd t lst on of

    thm is gurntd  ml. Spitting

    plnts ttk nything tht is rm nd

    movs. Not tht spitting plnts nnot

    mov - thy r, litrlly, plntd.

    Thir spiks do 1d6 points of dmg nd

    hv n fftiv rng of 8 mtrs.

    Spitting Plnt

    HP: 50

    SQ: 8

    P: 8

    XP: 100

    : 2%

    : 5 DR DT

    Norml: 0 0

    Lsr: 0 0

    Fir: 0 0

    Plsm: 0 0

    xplosion: 0 0

    PR: 100%

    RR: 95%

    GR: 100/100

    ttks: Thorn


    muttion of th smllr pr-r

    lizrd, Gkos r lrg dsrt-dlling

    rptils tht lk on thir hind lgs

    nd ttk ith thir front, hih hv

    dvlopd shrp ls for tring.

    Highly prizd for thir strong plts,

    Gkos r routinly huntd in som

    pls, lthough  pk of thm n

    sily kill on or to inxprind

    huntrs. Gkos stnd bout 150 m

    tll, nd th lrgr, mor dngrous

    Goldn Gko is bout 180 m tll. Thy

    trvl in pks of nyhr from 4 to 20



    HP: 30

    SQ: 7

    P: 7

    XP: 150

    : 2%

    : 5 DR DT

    Norml: 1 10%

    Lsr: 0 0

    Fir: 0 0

    Plsm: 0 0

    xplosion: 0 0

    PR: 80%

    RR: 75%

    GR: 0/10

    ttks: l


    Fir Gko

    HP: 40

    SQ: 9

    P: 9

    XP: 300

    : 4%

    : 8 DR DT

    Norml: 3 30%

    Lsr: 0 0

    Fir: 3 30%

    Plsm: 0 0

    xplosion: 2 10%

    PR: 80%

    RR: 80%

    GR: 0/20

    ttks: l


    Goldn Gko

    HP: 50

    SQ: 9

    P: 9

    XP: 400

    : 5%

    : 10 DR DT

    Norml: 5 50%

    Lsr: 0 0

    Fir: 5 50%

    Plsm: 0 0

    xplosion: 2 10%

    PR: 100%

    RR: 100%

    GR: 0/50

    ttks: l

