

    火焰星云,正式名称为IC 405,是位于御夫座方向约1500光年的远处,横跨约5光年。用小型望远镜即可观测到它。

    涟漪状的尘埃和云气丝,使这个星云博得了“火焰星云” (FlStar Nebula)的美名。星云中红色和紫色得区域来自不同的物理过程;影像左方的亮星是御夫座AE星,它是如此的炽热,以致它发出的高能量星光把附近云气中氢原子里的电子给撞了出来,当这个离子再次捕获电子又复合成正常的原子时,常会伴随着发出红色的光。紫色区的色泽则是上述这种红光和被尘埃反射的御夫座AE星蓝色星光之混合。这两种色泽区域分别被称为“发射星云”和“反射星云”。

    Rippling dust and gas lanes give the FlStar Nebula its name. The red and purple colors of the nebula are presedifferent regions and are created by different processes. The bright star AE Aurigae, visiblerd thee left,blue, elight so energeknocks electrons away from surrounds. When a prrecaptures an electron, red light is frequently emitted. The purple res color isf this red light and blue light emitted by AE Aurigae but reflecteds by surrounding dust. Theregions are referreds emissebula and refleebula, respectively. Pictured above, the FlStar Nebula, officially ks IC 405, lies about 1500 light years distant, spans about 5 light years, and is visible with a small telescoperd the constellf the Charioteer (Aur58xs8.com