

    英国“军情五处”(Military e 5),是世界上最具神秘色彩的谍报机构之一。













    frustrate terrori**;

    prevent damage to the UK from foreign espionage and other covert foreign state activity;

    frustrate urement by proliferating countries of material, hnology or expertise relating to weapons of mass tion;

    h out for new or re-emerging types of threat;

    t Government\'s sensitive information and assets, and the al National tWWW.soudu.orgure (CNI);

    e serious crime through e to law ement ies;

    assist the ret e ewWw. (SIS) and the Government ations Headquarters (GCHQ) in the harge of their statutory tions;

    build e capability and e.


    Major-General Sir Vernon Kell (1873-1942)1st tor General, 1909-1940

    Brigadier A.W.A. Harker 2nd tor General, 1940-1941

    Sir David Petrie (1879-1961) 3rd tor General, 1941-1946

    Sir y Sillitoe (1888-1962)4th tor General, 1946-1953

    Sir k White (1906-1993)5th tor General, 1953-1956

    Sir Roger Hollis (1905-1973)6th tor General, 1956-1965

    Sir Martin Furnival Jones (1912-1997)7th tor General, 1965-1972

    Sir hael Hanley (1918-2001)8th tor General, 1972-1978

    Sir Howard Smith (1919-1996)9th tor General, 1978-1981

    Sir John Jones (1923-1998)10th tor General, 1981-1985

    Sir Antony Duff (1920-2000)11th tor General, 1985-1987

    Sir k Walker (1932- )12th tor General, 1987-1992

    Dame Stella Rimington (1935- )13th tor General, 1992-1996

    Sir Stephen Lander (1947- )14th tor General, 1996-200258xs8.com