



    该企业品牌在世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)编制的2006年度《世界品牌500强》排行榜中名列第三百九十八,在《巴伦周刊》公布的2006年度全球100家大公司受尊重度排行榜中名列第八十五。

    Telefóa S.A. NYSE: TEF TYO: 9481 is a Spanish ations pany. Operating mainly in Spain and Latin a it is one of the largest fixed-line and mobile ations panies in the world, 4th in terms of number of clients and 6th in total market value.

    Key operations



    Telefóa is the largest corporation in Spain. It owns Telefóa de Espa?a h is the largest fixed phone and ADSL operator in Spain, Telefóa Moviles the largest mobile phone operator in Spain (under the movistar brand), Terra Networks, S.A. an internet subsidiary and Telefóa idad e ión publisher of the Spanish Yellow Pages.



    In 2005, Telefóa bought ?esk? , the former state-owned h phone operator h ll dominates the h fixed-line market. As part of this deal Telefóa also gained Eurotel, the largest mobile phone operator in the h .

    United Kingdom,  of Ireland, Germany and Isle of Man

    On 26th January 2006 Telefóa pleted it\'s ?17,7 billion (? 25,7 billion) acquisition of the UK-based operator O2 h provides mobile phone es in the UK,  of Ireland, Germany and Isle of Man (where it also operates a **all number of fixed-line es). As part of the takeover deal these es will continue to use the O2 brand and be based in the UK.

    Latin a

    Telefóa operates the movistar mobile phone brand throughout Latin a. In  it is the d largest mobile phone operator and the largest in both Chile and Peru. See movistar le for plete country list.


    Telefóa owns Telefóa de Argentina [1] h is the largest fixed-line operation in the country. It provides broadband, al and long e telephone es in southern part of the country as well as the Great Buenos Aires area. The Telefóa Group has been in the country e 1990. The mobile business is run by Telefóa Móviles through movistar, a al subsidiary.


    Telefóa\'s largest fixed-line operation in Latin a is in Brazil where it provides broadband, al and long e telephone es in the S?o Paulo state. It also jointly owns the Brazilian wireless operator Vivo with Portugal . The Telefóa Group has been in the country e 1996 when it acquired CRT, a fixed-line and mobile operator in the southern part of the country. The landline division is currently part of Brasil .


    In Chile Telefóa owns  (Compa?ia de Telefonos de Chile) h is the biggest fixed-line operator and internet e provider in the country. The Telefóa Group has been in the country e 1989. The mobile business is run by Telefóa Móviles through a al subsidiary.


    The Telefóa Group has been in the country e 1994 and owns the largest fixed-line operator in the country. The al subsidiary offers al, long e and broadband es nationwide. The mobile business is run by Telefóa Móviles through a al subsidiary.


    a de Puerto  is situated in one of Puerto \'s most famous buildings (coloured in yellow in e with the yellow pages\' coloursoudu.org), in Caparra, a tion of San Juan. a de Puerto  survived a 2003 workers\' strike.


    a also has a stake in the  operator, Méditel.


    Telefóa is a ly owned pany. It is estimated that a large part of its k is owned by capital invest_4460.htmment funds. Major kholders lude:

    JPMorgan Chase: 10.02%

    Bilbao aya Argentaria, S.A. (BBVA): 5.62%

    Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de elona ("La Caixa"): 5.37%

    Citibank: 4.66%

    Capital Group: 3.60%58xs8.com